Youtubers I love #1 Beauty


Youtube, a place where you find everything you need to know! Not that simple but almost...
As a beauty lover I of course follow endless channels of beauty gurus on youtube but since I love many other things my subscription list is not everything beauty! I follow in total 355 channels and it keeps growing!

Since to do a post on 355 channels is a lot I decided then to write a post on my favorite youtubers and categorize them! So here we go ;)


NikkieTutorials - I love everything about her! I love her tutorials, reviews, hauls, opinions... she's my inspiration for a lot of things I do in my life and I honestly can't say enough good things about Nikkie!

LetzMakeup - God bless Irish Makeup Artists... Her accent is amazing!!! She does amazing looks, reviews and her opinion is on top for me!  

Wayne Goss - If you don't recognize this name you stop everything follow him and come back to this post! He's the master of makeup tips! He teaches you things you would never imagine! I don't miss a video!

Julia Graf - Once more, adorable youtuber! She does amazing tutorials and hauls and she tells what we need to know about products. 

BiohazardousBeauty - Might not be the cup of tea of everyone but if you love colorful looks, goth scene and amazing videos it's her! She has the most amazing eye looks I've ever seen! I don't miss a video! 

iheartmakeup92 - Tutorials! No more things to say. Liz is gorgeous and does amazing looks!

KlairedeLis - I could spend hours telling you about Klaire. I love her. I love everything about her, from the effort she puts into every look she creates to the art that comes from it. She's a makeup artist, she's an amazing painter and oh my goodness what a singer! She inspires me into every aspect of my artistic life!

Emilynoel83 - Well known, Emily creates more wearable looks still full of creativity but what keeps me more into her videos are the opinions and reviews of the products.. You can't go wrong with her!

Shaaanxo -  Her accent. Her looks. Her opinions. I don't miss a single video from Shannon, she's adorable and she's so creative! She also has her own business of brushes and lashes!

Pixiwoo - I'm so sure you've heard of them! Two sisters Nic and Sam! They are the most amazing makeup artists! They create amazing looks and also review products! Once again you can't go wrong! Sam has a Brush company called Real Techniques which are amazing brushes! And they also sell makeup now ;)

AprilAthena7 - April adorable.. Mother of a cute baby but also a beauty guru! Her reviews are one of the bests for me! She also have a channel where she cooks : CookWithApril  . You have to subscribe ;)

CharismaStar - Charis Lincoln! Won NYX Face Awards! She's an amazing makeup artist! Her makeup tutorial videos are like short films that captures your attention from the start! She puts a lot into her videos and of course she does an amazing job! 

itsjudytime - Judy is well known on Youtube Beauty community! Amazing reviews! Once more you can't go wrong with a review from her! 

Lauren Curtis - Lauren is an Aussie makeup artist that creates amazing looks for day and night! 

Madeyewlook - Alexys is so talented! She got the 2nd place at NYX Face Awards 2013 and she does an amazing job at creating looks, more into the cinema makeup than daily basis! I love every look she creates, so realistic! She also created a brand of makeup brushes!!

Shauna Shikari - Last but not least Irish Shauna is a makeup artist that creates wearable colorful looks! I love her tutorials!

(Click the name to redirect to the channel)

So these are the 16 beauty youtubers I love the most! I of course follow and like much more but my favorites are the ones listed above.

Who's your all time favorite beauty guru on youtube? Tell me bellow ;)

Thanks for reading,

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