Blue On The Road


What a time to be alive, it always starts like this.
I know I'm not updating the blog as much as you're used to but let's be real, my life have been facing some pretty changes that aren't so pretty at all.

Skipping boring introductions let's go for what matters in fact.

I love to use shadows as liners and this time is no different, the blue color you see above is a Gel Shadow by Kiko that I got from long ago and I can use it as a base for an eyeshadow but I also love it as itself in a line following my lashes! It gives such a nice pop of color and it's creamier enough to work with yet good lasting as itself.  

To deepen the crease I used a light brown from my Kiko Street Fashion Eyeshadow Palette in 02 Addictive Song mixed with a light beige matte shadow. 

On the inner corner I used the lightest shade of the same Kiko palette and as mascara used my Maybelline Mega Plusher.

I really enjoy wearing this look and since it's not that dramatic everyone is able to adopt it! 

Thanks for reading,


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